The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) was introduced to incentivise large UK based businesses to implement energy-saving measures and help to cut UK carbon emissions. The scheme requires affected businesses to carry out energy surveys accompanied by cost-effective recommendations to reduce energy demand and improve energy efficiency. It’s a mandatory requirement for organisations that must comply to produce an audit over a 12-month period once every four years.
Who is affected?
Companies need to comply if they have:
250 employees or more
An annual turnover greater than 50m euros (£44,845,000)
An annual balance sheet greater than 43m euros (£38,566,700).
If your accounts are quoted in pounds sterling, you should use the Bank of England exchange rate between the euro and pound sterling at close of business on the qualification date.
SMEs and public-sector bodies are generally exempt from the ESOS scheme.
How can our ESOS service help you?
Our lead assessors can support you in the following ways:
Help you fully understand the ESOS scheme and what it means for your business
Collate data for building, transport and process energy use
Analyse your data and energy consumption
Review your portfolio to determine the number of energy surveys required
Carry out energy surveys
Produce survey reports including cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations
Maximise ESOS scheme benefits
ESOS review, verification and sign-off
Prepare the ESOS submission document, evidence pack and sign-off